1 Tip for better Weightlifting

Olympic Weightlifting requires speed, strength, precision, flexibility, timing to lift a weight then stabilize it overhead. It looks very beautiful and amazing no matter the weight and no matter whether the person lifting the weight is male or female. Despite the obvious of getting stronger there is one other thing you can do to improve … Continue reading 1 Tip for better Weightlifting

Super Sports Performance Supplement

What if you could take a supplement that lowers acidity and muscle fatigue during athletic performance? What if I said that this supplement is ridiculously affordable? That supplement is Sodium Bicarbonate aka Baking Soda! BOOM!!!!! Your mind just got blown! Build Up of Acids During physical exertion the by product of muscle metabolism is increased … Continue reading Super Sports Performance Supplement

Tips to making gains in Weightlifting that actually work!

We train and put tremendous effort to make the smallest gains possible. There definitely exists certain factors and conditions that will give you the gains you are looking for. Below I want to highlight those conditions so that you continually make gains: Cycle your training program Compete frequently Surround yourself in a competitive environment Cycle … Continue reading Tips to making gains in Weightlifting that actually work!